Analysis of Disturbances Rejection for Lur’e Systems
摘要: 用不变集方法分析了有范数摄动的单输入单输出(SISO)Lur'e系统持续有界扰动的抑制问题。通过Liapunov函数得到了用一组线性矩阵不等式(LMI)条件给出的扰动抑制和绝对稳定性结果。分析了这一条件的可行性,并用算例予以验证。还给出了鲁棒椭圆体吸引子的估计。Abstract: The analysis of disturbance rejection for singe-input singe-output(SISO) Lur'e system with norm uncertainty was concerned through invariant set analysis using Lyapunov function method.The conditions on robust ellipsoidal attractor for uncertain Lur'e systems were given in terms of LMIs(Linear Matrix Inequality), which simultaneously ensure the absolute stability and disturbance rejection of the uncertain Lur'e systems.An estimate of the maximum set included in a robust ellipsoidal attractor was also presented.Finally, a numerical example was worked out to illustrate the main results.
Key words:
- Lur’e systems /
- disturbance rejection /
- L1-performance /
- robust attractor
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