The Study on a Kind of Control System With Nonlinear Parabolic Distributed Parameters
摘要: 对一类有广泛应用的活动边界域上非线性抛物型分布参数系统进行建模。采用将系统转化为固定域系统或转化为集中参数系统的方法,从理论上分析了系统的基本特征,得出控制变量存在两个临界值,大者区分边界活动与否,小者区分边界活动后会自动停止与否。将平面、柱面和球面的一维系统表述成统一形式,通过计算机仿真研究了系统开环控制和闭环反馈控制的动态特性,数值结果与理论结果一致。计算机仿真表明系统是适定的、稳定的,而且是可测的和可控的。Abstract: The modelling of one kind of nonlinear parabolic distributed parameter control system with moving boundary, which had extensive applications was presented. Two methods were used to investigate the basic characteristics of the system: 1) transforming the system in the variable domain into that in the fixed domain; 2) transforming the distributed parameter system into the lumped parameter system. It is found that there are two critical values for the control variable: the larger one determines whether or not the boundary would move, while the smaller one determines whether or not the boundary would stop automatically. For one-dimensional system of planar, cylindrical and spherical cases the definite solution problem can be expressed as a unified form. By means of the computer simulation the open-loop control system and close-cycle feedback control system have been investigated. Numerical results agree well with theoretical results. The computer simulation shows that the sys-temis well posed, stable, measurable and controllable.
Key words:
- distributed parameter control system /
- nonlinear /
- moving boundary /
- stability /
- measurability /
- controllability
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