New Principles of Work and Energy as well as Power and Energy Rate for Continuum Field Theories
摘要: 提出极性和非局部极性连续统场论中具有交叉项的新的功能及功率能率原理,并据此和广义的Piola定理一次性地而且无需其它要求地推导出所有相应的运动方程和边界条件以及新的能量和能率均衡方程。同时,建立起广义连续统力学中的新的能量和能率均衡原理。给出的新的功能及能率原理纠正了现有文献中所有有关不带交叉项的能量和能率原理的不完整性。
- 功能及功率能率原理 /
- 广义的Piola定理 /
- 能量和能率均衡方程 /
- 广义连续统场论
Abstract: New principles of work and energy as well as power and energy rate with cross terms for polar and nonlocal polar continuum field theories were presented and from the mall corre sponding equations of motion and boundary conditions as well as complete equations of energy and energy rate with the help of gener alized Piola.s the orems were naturally derive dinall and without any additional requirement.Finally,some new balance laws of energy and energy rate for generalized continuum mechanics were established.The new principles of work and energy as well as power and energy rate with cross terms presented in this paper are believed to be new and they have corrected the incom-pleteness of all existing corresponding principles and laws without cross terms in literatures of generalized continuum field theories. -
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