A New Method for Solution of 3D Elastic-Plastic Frictional Contact Problems
摘要: 空间弹塑性有摩擦问题是两种非线性相互耦合的边值待定问题,由于涉及到空间接触问题,切向滑动状态的确定就成为一个重要的方面,为获得高精度的结果,大量的计算工作是难免的.规划法与迭代法是处理这类问题的两种重要的方法.作者提出了将这两种方法相结合的规划-迭代算法,充分利用两种方法各自的长处来处理空间弹塑性接触问题.数值结果表明了所提出算法的良好性态.Abstract: The solution of 3D elastic-plastic frictional contact problems belongs to the unspecified boundary problems where the interaction between two kinds of nonlinearities should occur. Considering the difficulties for the solution of 3D frictional contact problems, the key part is the determination of the tangential slip states at the contact points, and a great amount of computing work is needed for a high accuracy result. A new method based on a combination of programming and iteration methods, which are respectively known as two main kinds of methods for contact analysis, was put forward to deal with 3D elastic-plastic contact problems. Numerical results demonstrate the efficiency of the algorithm illustrated here.
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