[0,ki]1m-Factorizations Orthogonal to a Subgraph
摘要: 设G是一个图,k1,…,km是正整数。若图G的边能分解成m个边不交的 [0,k1]-因子F1,…,[0,km]-因子Fm,则称F={F1,…,Fm}是G的一个[0,ki]1m-因子分解。如果H是G的一个有m条边的子图且对任意的 1≤i≤m有|E(H)∩E(Fi)|=1,则称 F与H正交。证明了若G是一个 [0,k1+… +km-m+1]-图,H是G的一个有m条边的子图,则图G有一个[0,ki]1m-因子分解与H正交。Abstract: Let G be a graph,k1,…,km be positive integers.If the edges of graph G can be decom- posed into some edge disjoint [0,k1]-factor F1…,[0,km]-factor Fm then we can say F={F1,…,Fm},is a [0,ki]1m-factorization of G.If H is a subgraph with m edges in graph G and |E(H)∩E(Fi)|=1 for all 1≤i≤m,then we can call that F is orthogonal to H.It is proved that if G is a[0,k1+… +km-m+1]-graph,H is a subgraph with m edges in G,then graph G has a [0,ki]1m-factorization orthogonal to H.
Key words:
- graph /
- factor /
- factorization /
- orthogonal factorization
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