Direct Integration Methods With Integral Model for Dynamic Systems
摘要: 提出了一个求解动力学问题的新方法(DIM-IM).将动力学方程化成积分方程的形式,借助于该方程构造出了具有显式预测-校正的单步、自起动和四阶精度的积分型直接积分算法.理论分析和算例指出,这一方法较中心差分法、Houbolt法、Newmark法和Wilson-θ法都有较高的精度.本方法适用于强非线性,非保守系统.Abstract: A new approach which is a direct integration method with integral model (DIM-IM) to solve dynamic governing equations is presented. The governing equations are integrated into the integral equations. An algorithm with explicit and predict-correct and self-starting and four order accuracy to integrate the integral equations is given. Theoretical analysis and numerical examples show that DIM-IM discribed in this paper suitable for strong non-linear and non-conservative system have higher accuracy than central difference, Houbolt, Newmark and Wilson-Theta methods.
Key words:
- numerical integration /
- step-by-step integration /
- non-linear /
- integral equation
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