Shear Beam Model for Interface Failure Under Antiplane Shear(Ⅰ)——Fundamental Behavior
摘要: 在反平面剪切载荷及侧压力共同作用下引起的裂纹及裂纹扩展导致的层间界面失效,是岩土工程层间界面及砌体结构中界面层上典型的失效方式.运用弹性力学和断裂力学的理论原理,提出了能够反映上述层间界面断裂失效问题力学特性的剪切梁模型.文中采用具有应力软化特性的“粘性裂纹”(内聚力裂纹)模型来表述层间裂纹前方损伤过程区的本构行为.对通过粘性层结合在一起的两个弹性板,在反平面剪切载荷及侧压力共同作用下的力学行为作了解析分析计算,研究了层间界面裂纹扩展规律.Abstract: The propagation of interlayer cracks and the resulting failure of the interface is a typical mode occurring in rock engineering and masonry structure.On the basis of the theory of elastoplasticity and fracture mechanics,the shear beam model for the solution of interface failure was presented.The concept of cohesive crack.was adopted to describe the constitutive behavior of the cohesive interfacial layer.Related fundamental equations such as equilibrium equation,constitutive equations were presented.The behavior of a double shear beam bonded through cohesive layer was analytically calculated.The stable propagation of interface crack and process zone was investigated.
Key words:
- interface layer /
- cohesive layer /
- anti-plane shear /
- shear beam model /
- failure /
- instability /
- damage
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