The Coupling Method for Torsion Problem of the Square Cross-Section Bar With Cracks
摘要: 根据基于区域分解的自然边界元与有限元的耦合法,研究了带裂纹的方形截面杆的扭转问题,编制了耦合法计算程序,计算了几种尺寸截面的抗扭刚度、截面各点的应力及裂纹的应力强度因子,并绘出了裂纹尖端的应力分布图.计算中,还探索了松弛因子对迭代收敛速度的影响.从实践上证实了自然边界元与有限元的耦合法所具有的优点.Abstract: By coupling natural boundary element method(NBEM) with FEM based on domain decomposition,the torsion problem of the square cross-sections bar with cracks have been studied,the stresses of the nodes of the cross-sections and the stress intensity factors have been calculated,and some distribution pictures of the stresses have been drawn.During computing,the effect of the relaxed factors to the convergence speed of the iterative method has been discussed.The results of the computation have confirmed the advantages of the NBEM and its coupling with the FEM.
Key words:
- natural boundary element method(NBEM) /
- finite element method(FEM) /
- couple /
- torsion
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