Modeling of Stochastic Modulated Rattling System
摘要: 本文研究了一个随机调幅Ratling系统。代替常用的数值分析方法,采用非高斯截断技术,导出一个由三维平均映射描述的离散的随机模型。实测指出该模型能揭示浑沌随机性质,故更适于用以模拟齿轮箱噪声源。
- Rattling系统 /
- 非高斯截断技术 /
- 浑沌随机振动 /
- 平均映射
Abstract: Rattling vibration is an important noise source of gear-box. To control that noise, it is necessary to elaborate a mathematics-mechanical model on rattling gears. In this paper, a rattling system modulated by noise was investigated. Instead of performing the very tedious numerical calculation, a discrete stochastic model described by three dimensional mean mapping was established by means of the Non-Gaussian closure technique. Through the example, the chaotic stochastic behavio may be revealed. In comparsion with deterministic model, the model developed in this paper is more approximate to practice and more availlable for acoustic investigation, so that it is suggested to be applied to modeling on rattling vibratio. -
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