Dynamic Response Analysis of Platform-Cylinder Group Foundation due to Impact by Water Wave Flow
摘要: 本文研究平台-群柱基础系统对浪流冲击的动力反应分析.文中考虑了群柱基础与水流和地基土的动力相互作用,由解析法给出了系统对浪流力激励的动力响应分析,给出了算例的位移响应结果,并讨论了系统参数对动力特性的影响.Abstract: This paper deals with the problem of dynamic response of platform-cylinder group foundation. Dynamic interaction of cylinder group foundation-water-soil is taken into account and the analysis of dynamic response to excitation of water wave force is given by analytic method. The numerical examples are presented and the influence of system's parameters on the dynamic behaviour is discussed.
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