On Analysis of the Steady Flow in an Irrectangular Parallel-Plate Flow Chamber
摘要: 高度远小于横向和纵向几何尺寸的平行平板流动腔是当前用以体外研究细胞力学行为的主要工具之一.人们常用的是上下两平行平板是矩形边界的流动腔.这种流动腔内(除入口端和出口端的邻近区域外)的流场是均匀的[1],因而每次实验只能观测底部培养细胞受一种切应力值的影响情况.本文提出一种上下两平行平板不是矩形的平行平板流动腔.通过对腔内流体作定常流动的流场进行详细分析,给出了流动腔内流速和腔底切应力值的分布.结果发现,利用这种非矩形平行平板流动腔可以同时研究底部培养细胞在多种切应力值下的力学行为.本文理论结果与超声多普勒技术检测流速的实验结果吻合得相当好.
- 非矩形平行平板流动腔 /
- 切应力 /
- 定常流 /
- 细胞力学行为
Abstract: The parallel-plate flow chamber (PPFC),of which the height is far smaller than its own length and width,is one of the main apparatus for the in vitro study of the mechanical behaviors of cultured cells at the bottom of PPFC undergoing shear stress.The PPFC of which the upper and lower plates are rectangular is usually used by research workers,and the flow field in this kind of PPFC (except for the regions near the entrance and exit) is uniform[1],so only the effect the shear stress with one value has on cultured cells can be observed during each experiment.A kind of PPFC of which the upper and lower plates are not rectangular is proposed in this paper.The distributions of the velocities inside and the shear stresses at the bottom of the chamber are given by analyzing the flow field of the steady flow in the PPFC.The results show that the mechanical behaviors of cultured cells undergoing the shear stresses with various values may be simultaneously observed by the use of this kind of irrectangular PPFC.The theoretical and experimental results obtained by the use of Ultrasonic Doppler show good agreement. -
[1] [美] 冯元桢著,《生物力学——运动、流动、应力和生长》(邓善熙译),四川教育出版社,(1993). [2] J.A.Frangos,et al.,Shear stress induced stimulation of mammalian cell metabolism,Biotechn ology and Bioen gineering,32(10) (1988),1053-1060. [3] Daniel A.Hammer,Dynamics of cell adhesion under hydrodynamic flow,Proceedings of the Fourth China -Japan -USA-Singa pore Conference on Biomechanics,International Academic Publishers,Beijing (1995),425-428. [4] 姜伟元、李惜惜、覃开荣,平行平板流动腔的合理设计和使用,医用生物力学,11(2) (1996),97-102. [5] R.Thomas Davis,Numerical methods for coordinate generation based on a mapping technique,J.A.Essers Ed.Computational Methods for Turbulent,Transonic,and Viscous Flows,Hemisphere Publishing Corporation (1983). -
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