Applications of Wavelet Galerkin FEM to Bending of Beam and Plate Structures
摘要: 本文给出了基于小波尺度函数展开的高阶导数及其在伽辽金有限元法中有关联的导数乘积积分的计算格式,从而实现了将小波伽辽金法用于求解高于二阶导数微分方程边值问题的数值计算,使其在结构力学问题求解中成为可能.数值算例表明:本方法具有良好的计算精度.
- 小波理论的应用 /
- 尺度函数 /
- 高阶导数运算 /
- Galerkin FEM /
- 梁板弯曲
Abstract: In this paper,an approach is proposed for taking calculations of high order differentials of scalng functions in wavelet theory in order to apply the wavelet Galerkin FEM to numerical analysis of hose boundary-value problems with order higher than 2.After that,it is realized that the wavelet alerkin FEM is used to solve mechanical problems such as bending of beams and plates.The numercal results show that this method has good precision. -
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