Torsion of Composite Laminated Bars with a Large Number of Layers
摘要: 本文根据有效弹性模量理论[1],采用三维八节点等参数有限元和整体-局部方法,对复合材料大层数矩形厚截面层压杆的扭转问题及其自由边缘效应进行了分析研究,通过算例计算给出了剪切应力在横截面内的分布规律、杆的扭转变形及其在自由边缘区域层间应力的分布情况由于本文的分析方法可根据需要仅在应力梯度较大的局部区域,按单层逐层划分单元或在单层内再细化单元,以求得单层内精确的应力场和位移场,因此能显着节约计算量与机时,为具有大层数层压杆的扭转强度计算提供了一种有效的方法.Abstract: In view of the effective elastic moduli theory[1]. analyzing the thick compositelaminated bars subjected to an externully applied torque are prasented by threedimensional finite element(3-D FEM) and global-local method in this paper.Numerical results involving,he distribution of shearing stresses on cross-section andthe torsional deformation and the interlaminar sirens near to free edges are given. tfnecessary elemeats discretization mad be densely carried ont only in the high stressgradient. region. Obviously, it requires less computer memory and computational time sothat it offers an effective way for evaluating strength of laminated bars torsion with agreat number of layers.
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