The Solution for the Generalized Riccati Algebraic Equations of Linear Equality Constraint System
摘要: 本文基于定常离散LQ控制问题的动力学方程、价值泛函及系统的约束方程,根据极大值原理,给出了线性等式约束系统下的广义Riccati方程,进而对上述方程进行了深入的探讨,并给出了相应的数值例题。
- 约束方程 /
- 广义Riccati代数方程 /
- 线性二次控制
Abstract: Based on the dynamic equation,the performance functional and the system constraint equation of time-invariant discrete LQ control problem,the generalized Riccati equations of linear equality constraint system are obtained according to the minimum principle,then a deep discussion about the above equations is given,and finally numerical example is shown in this paper. -
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