Some Identity Relations between Plane Problems for Visco-and Elasticity
摘要: 本文以应力函数F(xa,t)为基本未知量,首先建立了各向同性、线性粘弹性平面问题(开孔与不开孔)的基本边值问题;其次,详细讨论了粘弹性与弹性平面问题之间位移和应力的某些恒等关系,得到了若干重要和有意义的结论.作为应用,研究了具有中心微孔的粘弹性平板在单向拉伸时微孔的变形响应.Abstract: In this paper.the boundary value problems of plane problems with a simply-or multiply-connected domain for isotropic linear visca-elosticity are first established by terms of Airy stress function F(Xu,t). Secondly some identity relations between displacements and stresses for plane problems of sisco-and elasticity are discussed indetait and some meaningful conclusions are obtained As an example the deformation response for viscoelastic plate with a small circular hote at the center is analyzed undera uniasial uniform extension.
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