A Two-Parameter Model for Three Types of Unclepore Filtration of Leukocytes
摘要: 白细胞核孔筛滤试验是估计白细胞变形性的主要方法之一.我们对这一试验的三类情形提出了生物流体力学模型,这三类情形是;(i)自身重力过滤;(ii)恒压过滤;(iii)恒流量过滤.在以前的模型中,细胞阻力被假定为一常数,而在本文中,我们考虑细胞阻力时,同时顾及了驱动压力和白细胞个体变形性差异的影响.而且,我们在Moessmer实验基础上,对多形核粒性白细胞通过核孔的时间假定了一个概率分布函数.最后我们得到了以上三种情形的数值解,第一种情形的解与实验结果的对比是令人满意的.文中的双参数,A和B,代表了不同压力下白细胞变形性的不同.Abstract: Micropore filtration of leukocytes is one of the main methods for evaluating leukocyte's deformability. Here a biofluid mechanical model was proposed for three cases: (i) firltration under gravity; (ii)constant pressure filtration; (iii) constant flow rate filtration. In previous models, constant blood cell resistance was assumed. In this paper, when evaluating the filter resistance to leukocytes, not only the effect of the change in the driving pressure but also the difference in the deformability of individual leukocytes are taken into consideration. Moreover, based on Moessmer's experimental results, a probability distribution function.for the transit time of polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) through the filter is assumed. Finally, numerical curves are obtained for the above three types of filtration and the comparison between the theoretical andexperimental results of PMNs for case (i) turns out to be satisfactory The two parameters in the model. A and B represent leukocytes deformability under low and high pressures respectively.
Key words:
- leukocytes /
- nuclepore filtration /
- theoretical model /
- hemorheology
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