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刘小兵 程良骏

刘小兵, 程良骏. 湍流边界层中固体小颗粒湍流运动的Lagrangian模型[J]. 应用数学和力学, 1997, 18(3): 277-284.
引用本文: 刘小兵, 程良骏. 湍流边界层中固体小颗粒湍流运动的Lagrangian模型[J]. 应用数学和力学, 1997, 18(3): 277-284.
Liu Xiaobing, Cheng Liangjun. Lagrangian Model on the Turbulent Motion of Small Solid Particle in Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1997, 18(3): 277-284.
Citation: Liu Xiaobing, Cheng Liangjun. Lagrangian Model on the Turbulent Motion of Small Solid Particle in Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1997, 18(3): 277-284.


Lagrangian Model on the Turbulent Motion of Small Solid Particle in Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows

  • 摘要: 给出了固体小颗粒在边界层中的Lagrangian运动方程,方程中包括受壁面影响的粘性阻力,Saffman升力及Magus升力等.使用频谱法,得到了颗粒响应流体的Lagrangian能谱的表达式,使用这些结果研究了各种响应特性.本文的结果清楚地表明了固体个颗粒在湍流扩散过程中,其湍流扩散是可能大于流体的.
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