Hamiltonian System and the Saint Venant Problem in Elasticity
摘要: 本文一改传统的在Lagrange体系欧几里德空间中用半道法讨论Saint-Venant问题的方法,而在具有守恒性的Hamilton体系中辛空间里研究该问题。通过讨论Hamilton算子矩阵的零本征值及其Jordan型,直接求解出全部Saint-Venant问题的解。
- Hamilton体系Saint-Venant问题 /
- 辛 /
- 本征值
Abstract: The traditional semi-inverse solution method of the Saint tenant problem.whichis described in foe Euclidian space under the Lagrange syslemformulation,is updated to be solved in the symplectic space under foe conservative Hamiltonian system.It isproved in the present paper that all the Saint Venant solutions can be obtained directlyvia the zero eigenvalue solutions and all their Jordan normal form of the corresponding Hamiltonian operator matrix.-
Key words:
- Hamiltonian system /
- Saint Venant problem /
- Symplectic
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