The Method of Derivation of Mac-Millan’s Equation for the Non-Linear Non-Holonomic System
摘要: 只要由Jourdain微分变分原理就能导出一阶非线性非完整系统的Mac-Millan方程,无需引入虚位移的牛青萍定义。后一定义只是本方法的自然推论。
- 非线性非完整系统 /
- Mac-Millan方程 /
- 虚位移 /
- 牛青萍定义
Abstract: The Mac-Millan's equation for the non-linear non-holongmic system in one order is derived by using only principle of differential variation of Jourdain. Therefore definition of Niu Qinping for the virtual displacentent is unnecessary. This is the natural deduetion of the method in this paper and so with the non-linear and non holonomic system in high order. -
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