Analysis of Interphase Mechanical Behavior with Interface Element in the Composite Materials
摘要: 本文利用界面单元的固有特性,将其用来模拟复合材料中纤维与基体之间的界面特征,计算了一个沿X轴方向纤维周期排列的单尾板,在横向载荷作用下的应力分布问题。给出了三相(纤维、基体和界面)特性各种配比时应力分布等高线图以及通过界面时径向应力σr的变化情况,反映了界面特性对应力分布的影响。Abstract: In this paper,stress distribution is obtained by employing the interface element to simulate the interphase feature between fiber-matrix in single-ply laminar which consists of fiber arranged periodically in the x-axis direction and matrix,and which is subjected to far-field transverse load the contour of stress σsz and radial stress σr in the vicinity of interphase are plotted for three different interphase cases.It is made known that the effect of interphase properties in stress distribution is obvious.
Key words:
- composite materials mechanics /
- interphase /
- interface element
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