The Existence of the Solution for Linear Complementary Problem
摘要: 讨论线性互补问题解的存在性。证明关于解的唯一性定理。用反例表明:对于线性互补问题解的存在性,"M是半正定矩阵"既不是充分条件,也不是必要条件。
- 线性互补问题 /
- 互补基本可行解 /
- 存在性 /
- Lemke互补转轴算法
Abstract: This paper deals with the existince of the solulionlor linear complementaryproblern.The uniqueness theorem of lhe solution for linear compiementary.problem isproved.Two evaniples are given.They show that "Mis positive sermidefinite" neither sufficient nor necessary codition for the,existence to the solution of linear complementary problem. -
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