Nonlinear Oscillation Analysis by an Orthogonal Function Method
摘要: 本文根据谐波平衡法假设周期解的基本思想,提出了一种分析非线性振动特性的正交函数法。将位移展开为谐波的级数形式,根据线性模态和三角级数的正交性导出了一组形式简单的特征方程。有效地解决了平方非线性系统存在漂移项的困难,算例表明:本文方法精度高,收敛快,工作量小。Abstract: In this paper an orthogonal function method is presented based on the idea to suppose perioche solution with the method of harmonie balance The displaeement is expressed in the form of trigonometric fumctions a group of simplified eigenequations are obtained by the use of orthogonarity of trigonometric fumetions and linear mondes The method overcomes the diffieulty of a drifi term existing in systems with quadratic nonlinearities.The ealeulation examples show that the method has thd advantages of high caleulation preeision high convergence speed and littld caleulation work.
Key words:
- orthogonal function method /
- nonlinearity /
- oseillation characteristies /
- eigenequations
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