The Singular Perturbation for the Buckling of a Truncated Shallow Spherical Shell with the Large Geometrical Parameter
摘要: 本文利用修正多重尺度法研究了大几何参数的具有刚性中心的边缘铰接的开顶扁球壳,在复合载荷作用下的非线性稳定问题。求得了扁壳几何参数h值较大时,本问题的一致有效的渐近解。Abstract: A problem of practical interest for nonlinear axisymmetrical stability of a truncated shallow spherical shell of the large geometrical parameter with an articulated external edge and a nondeformable rigid,body at the center under compound loads is investigated in this paper.By using modified method of multiple scales,the uniformly valid asymptotic solutions of this boundary value problem are obtained when the geometrical parameter k is large.
Key words:
- shallow shell /
- boundary layer /
- singular perturbation
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