Unsteady Rotative Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluid In an Annular Pipe
摘要: 本文研究幂律非牛顿流体在环管内的不定常旋转流。该方程是一非线性方程,在部分因子的稳态近似假设之下,方程被线性化,用Laplace积分变换法我们获得了问题的解。文中给出了几组解曲线,它反映了角向速度的时间演化规律与空间分布特征。另外我们专门研究了幂律指数对流场的影响,该参数的敏感性具有一定的数值界限。这一结果,在有关的工程设计中具有重要的意义。Abstract: This paper studies power law non-Newtonian fluid rotative flow in an annular pipe. The governing equation is nonlinear one, we linearized the governing equationby assuming that partial factor is at state. With Laplace transform we obtain ananalytical solution of the problem In the paper several groups of curves are given.these curves reflect the temporal change law and spatial distribution of fluid velocity.In addition we study the effection of power law index on the flow field the result indicates that when the power law index n<1. the flow velocity is highly sensitive tothe index and this fact is importanl in related engineering decisions.
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