Variational Principle and Generalized Variational Principle in Hydrodynamics of a Class of Non-Newtonian Fluid
摘要: 本文将钱伟长教授[1]的不可压缩粘性流的最大功率消耗原理推广到一类特殊的非牛顿流体─-广义牛顿流体的流动问题,并采用识别的拉氏乘子法来解除变分约束条件,导出其广义变分原理。Abstract: In this paper. the principle of maximum power losses for the incompressible viscous fluid proposed by professor Chien Wei-zang is extended to the hydrodynamic problems of a special class of non-Newtonian fluid——generalized Newtonian fluid.The constraint condition of variation are eliminated by the method of idetified Lagrangian multipliers and a generalized variational principle is established.
Key words:
- non-Newtonian fluid /
- vanational principle /
- Lagrangian multiper
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