Curve Cracks Lylng along a Parabolic Curve in Anisotropic Body Hu Yuan-tai
摘要: 文章利用Stroh法及映射法研究了沿抛物线Ω分布的各向异性曲线裂纹问题,获得了有关的应力及位移场,这种解不仅适用于平面问题,而且也适用于反平面变形或两者偶合的情形。对于单曲边裂纹和双曲边裂纹问题,文章还获得了它们的应力和位移场的封闭解,并求得了相应的应力强度因子及裂纹面上的张开位移。Abstract: A general solutions for the stress and displacement of curve cracks distributing along a parabolic curve Ω in an infinite homogeneous anisotropic medium subjected tounifrom loading a infinity have been given in this paper by using the Stroh's formalism and the mapping method.The solutions are valid not only for plane problems but also for antiplane problems and the problems whose inplane andantiplane deformations couple each other.A closed form solution for the stress and dispacement in the entire domain is obtained for one curve crack or two curve cracks along the parabolic curve.The simple explicit form solution for the stress intensity factors and the crack opening displacement are presented.
Key words:
- eigenvalue /
- crack /
- stress intensity factor
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