Some NeW Fixed point Theorems in Probabilistic Metric Spaces
摘要: 本文提出了Z-M-PN空间的概念,在概率度量空间中我们得到了若干新的不动点定理。同时,一些着名的不动点定理在概率度量空间中得到了推广,诸如:Schauder不动点定理、郭大钧不动点定理和Petryshyn不动点定理被推广到M-PN空间;Altman不动点定理被推广到Z-M-PN空间。Abstract: In this paper,we introduce the concept of the Z-M-PN space and obtain somenew fixed point theorems in probabilistic metric spaces Mean while,some famous fixed point theorems are generalized in probabilistic metric spaces,such as fixed point theorem of Schauder,Guo's theorem and fixed point theorem of Petryshyn are generalized in Menger PN-space.And fixed point theorem of Altman is also generalized in the Z-M-PN space.
Key words:
- topological degree /
- probabilistic metric spaces /
- operator /
- compact continuous operator /
- Z-M-PN space
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