Generalized Theory of Nonlinear and Unsteady Mechanics and Appliations in Partlcles Physics
摘要: 本文考虑自由质点作高速非定常运动时其动量出现的非线性效应可按Laurent级数展开并可得出非线性和非定常功量力完整表达式.高速度的非线性和非定常现象可进一步推广到质点的非线性和非定常运动学理论,这理论由第Ⅰ类Fncdholm型积分方程所确定.另外,根据所得非线性、非定常动量可以导出非线性的力学方程、功和能量、质量和能量诸关系式.文章最后计算了粒子物理学中μ±介子和快中子运动的实验,所计算的结果完全被实验所证实.Abstract: The present paper we consider that the momentum of a high speed free particle motion appearing in nonlinear and unsteady effcts may be extended using Laurent series and their complete expressions are obtained.These phenomena also may expand to the theory of kinematics and may be determined by the first Kind of Fredholm's integral equation.In addition,according to the nonlinear and unsteady momentum obtained the relations of the nonlinear mechanics equations,work done and energy,mass and energy may be obtained.At last,this paper also calculates those results which experimented with Mu mesons,μ± and fast neutrons motion in particles physics,these results calculated are in agreement with experiments completely.
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