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聂国华 翁智远 刘人怀

聂国华, 翁智远, 刘人怀. 用概率断裂力学方法预测管状接头的疲劳寿命[J]. 应用数学和力学, 1994, 15(11): 963-969.
引用本文: 聂国华, 翁智远, 刘人怀. 用概率断裂力学方法预测管状接头的疲劳寿命[J]. 应用数学和力学, 1994, 15(11): 963-969.
Nie Guo-hua, Weng Zhi-yuan, Liu Ren-huai. Application of the Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Method of Predicting the Fatigue Life of Tubular Joints[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1994, 15(11): 963-969.
Citation: Nie Guo-hua, Weng Zhi-yuan, Liu Ren-huai. Application of the Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Method of Predicting the Fatigue Life of Tubular Joints[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1994, 15(11): 963-969.


Application of the Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Method of Predicting the Fatigue Life of Tubular Joints

  • 摘要: 本文研究了T型管状接头在面内和面外弯曲循环载荷作用下的疲劳强度问题,通过将材料常数和初始裂纹尺寸作为随机变量,采用Mon Carlo模拟方法对疲劳寿命进行了统计分析。同时,对计算结果进行了线性回归,并与实验结果作了比较。
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  • 收稿日期:  1993-12-24
  • 刊出日期:  1994-11-15


