The Random Variational Principle in Finite Deformation of Elasticity and Finite Element Method
摘要: 本文将材料、载荷、结构几何形状、力和位移边界条件的随机性,直接引入有限变形弹性理论的泛函变分表达式中,应用小参数摄动法,建立了统一的随机变量变分原理及非线性随机有限元法,并将其应用于结构可靠性分析。算例表明,应用此方法处理随机变量的力学问题,具有使程序实施简便,计算效率高等优点。Abstract: In the present paper,we have introduced the random materials.loads.geometrical shapes,force and displacement boundary condition directly.into the functional variational formula,by.use of a small parameter perturbation method,a unified random variational principle in finite defomation of elastieity and nonlinear randomfinite element method are esiablished,and used.for reliability,analysis of structures.Numerical examples showed that the methods have the advontages of simple andconvenient program implementation and are effective for the probabilistic problems in mechanics.
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