Free Bending Vibration of Annular Cylindrical Tank Partially Filled With Liquid in the Consideration of Surface Wave
摘要: 本文研究考虑表面波作用的圆环形贮液容器的弯曲自由振动问题,导出了贮液容器与液体耦联振动的振型函数和固有频率的精确计算公式,结果可借助于计算机求解.分析表明,水对容器的振动效应可等效于在内外环体上分别附着一不同的广义分布质量.Abstract: This paper studies the problem of free bending vibration of annular cylindricaltank partially filled with liquid in the consideration of surface wave.The exactformulae of the mode shape functions and frequencies are deduced.Results can beobtained by means of computer.The analysis shows that the effect of liquid on vibration of annular cylindrical tank is equivalent to different generalized distributivemasses attached to inner and outer cylinders respectively.
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