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朴维达 朴根生 赵烈济 金钟圭

朴维达, 朴根生, 赵烈济, 金钟圭. 具凸结构的概率度量空间中的重合点定理[J]. 应用数学和力学, 1994, 15(8): 685-697.
引用本文: 朴维达, 朴根生, 赵烈济, 金钟圭. 具凸结构的概率度量空间中的重合点定理[J]. 应用数学和力学, 1994, 15(8): 685-697.
Wee Tae Park, Keun Saeng Park, Yeol Je Cho, Jong Kyu Kim. Coincidence point Theorems in Probabilistic Metric Spaces with a Convex Structures[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1994, 15(8): 685-697.
Citation: Wee Tae Park, Keun Saeng Park, Yeol Je Cho, Jong Kyu Kim. Coincidence point Theorems in Probabilistic Metric Spaces with a Convex Structures[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1994, 15(8): 685-697.


Coincidence point Theorems in Probabilistic Metric Spaces with a Convex Structures

  • 摘要: 本文在具凸结构的概率度量空间中,对非线性混合压缩映象得出了几个重合点和公共不动点定理。
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