The High Precision Open Boundary Conditions Designed for Transient Waves
摘要: 文献[2~4]提出了一种用于瞬态波的自适应开路边条件(AOBC).克服了已有的开路边条件(OBC)应用范围狭窄的困难,可以适用于来波入射角在任意范围内变化的情况。本文则是以其中的一阶AOBC为基础,构造了一类新的高阶AOBC.并证明在所有同阶OBC中,只有这类AOBC才具有最高阶精度,而所有其之同阶的OBC的精度都要比它低。Abstract: In Refs. [2-4] there is an Adaptive Open Boundary Condition(AOBC) designed.for transient waves which overcomes the limitation of the existing Open Boundary Condition(OBC) and can be used for the cases of waves with arbitrary incident angles. In this article a new family of high or,der AOBC has been designed on the basis of the above mentioned AOBC with the first order. In comparison with all other OBC with the same order, this new family of AOBC has the highest precision.
Key words:
- adaptiveness /
- open boufidary condition /
- optimal precision
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