板在弯曲和薄膜力共同作用下采用三角形单元, 形成非线性单元刚度矩阵的公式及算例
The Generation of Non-Linear Stiffness Matrix of Triangle Element when Considering Both the Bending and in-Plane Membrane Forces
摘要: 本文利用Stricklin法[5],采用三角形单元推导出了板在考虑弯曲和膜薄力的共同作用下的非线性单元刚度矩阵的计算公式,还以此编制了壳体大挠度问题的计算程序,进行了算例分析,与有关文献作了比较.Abstract: Using Stricklin Melhod[5],we have this paper has derived the formulas for the ge-neration of non-linear element stiffness matrix of a triangle element when considering both the bending and the in-plane membrane forces.A computer programme for the calculation of large deflection and inner forces of shallow shells is designed on theseformulas.The central deflection curve computed by this programme is compared with other pertaining results.
Key words:
- triangular element /
- non-linear /
- stiffness matrix
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