The Plane Stress Crack-Tip field for an Incompressible Rubber Material
摘要: 本文采用完全非线性弹性理论,研究了一类不可压缩橡皮类材料[1]在Ⅰ型荷载作用下的平面应力问题.指出裂尖变形由两个收缩区和一个扩张区三部分组成.裂纹尖端应力、应变分别具有R-1、R-1/n的奇异性,当趋近裂尖时,厚度以R1/4n的方式趋于零,n为材料常数.Abstract: The crack-tip field under plane stress condition for an incompressible rubber material[1] is investigated by.the use of the fully nonlinear equilibrium theory.It is found thai the crack-tip field is composed of two shrink sectors and one expansion se-ctor.At the crack-tip,stress and strain possess the singularity of R-1 and R-1n,respec-tively,(R is the distance to the crack-tip before deformation,n is the material const-ant).When the crack-tip is approached,the thickness of the sheet shrinks to zerowith the order of R1.4n.The results obtained in this paper are consistent with that ob-tained in [8] when s→χ.
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