A Study of J-lntegral of the Orthotropic Composite Material
摘要: 本文推导了正交异性复合材料板Ⅰ型裂纹J积分与位移导数的关系式,同时给出了应力强度因子KⅠ与位移的关系式,采用贴片云纹干涉法对三点弯曲粱进行了测试。由云纹图的位移场求出了J与KⅠ值,进而验证了正交异性复合材料板J与KⅠ的关系式的正确性。Abstract: The relation between J-integral near model I crack tip in the orthotropic plate and displacement derivative is derived in this paper. Meanwhile,the relation between stress intensity factor K1 and displacement is also given in this paper.With sticking film moire interferometry method,the three-point bending beam is tested,thus the values of J-integral and K1 can be obtained.from the displacement field,and then the truth of relation formula between J-integral and K1 in the orthotrtopic composite materials is experimentally verified.
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