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岳珠峰 郑长卿

岳珠峰, 郑长卿. Ⅰ型试件裂端三维应力结构分析之二——应力结构分析[J]. 应用数学和力学, 1993, 14(9): 775-785.
引用本文: 岳珠峰, 郑长卿. Ⅰ型试件裂端三维应力结构分析之二——应力结构分析[J]. 应用数学和力学, 1993, 14(9): 775-785.
Yue Z. F., Zheng C. Q.. The Analyses of the Three-Dimensional Stress Structurenear the Crack Tip of Mode I CT Specimens in Elastic-Plastic State Part 2:The Analyses of the Stress Structure[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1993, 14(9): 775-785.
Citation: Yue Z. F., Zheng C. Q.. The Analyses of the Three-Dimensional Stress Structurenear the Crack Tip of Mode I CT Specimens in Elastic-Plastic State Part 2:The Analyses of the Stress Structure[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1993, 14(9): 775-785.


The Analyses of the Three-Dimensional Stress Structurenear the Crack Tip of Mode I CT Specimens in Elastic-Plastic State Part 2:The Analyses of the Stress Structure

  • 摘要: 在文献[1]的基础上,本文分别对试件纤维区和剪切唇的应力结构进行考察.纤维区的应力结构特点为:可以进行变量z分离;对称面上的应力结构可由平面应变FEM解或HRR场解经应力三维度修正获得;载荷水平及试样厚度对应力结构的影响,可由厚度方向的CTOD得到反映,所得到应力表达式大为简便与直观.对剪切唇的应力结构进行考察,发现满足一定的精度可由插值法近似获得.本文提出了一种平面应变近似程度系数,并对此进行分析,该系数可较好地反映试样厚度、型式及载荷水平.本文也对断裂参量进行了分析,指出可对CTOD进行应力三维度修正获得.
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  • 收稿日期:  1991-06-25
  • 刊出日期:  1993-09-15


