The Precise and New Analysis for a Mode Ⅲ Growing Crack in an Elastic-Perfectly Plastic Solid
摘要: 本文采用线场分析方法对理想弹塑性Ⅲ型准静态扩展裂纹进行了分析.本文的意义在于突破了小范围屈服理论的限制.通过求得裂纹线附近塑性区应力和位移率的通解,并将此通解(而不是过去一直采用的特解)与弹性场的精确解(而不是线弹性奇异K场)在裂纹线附近的弹塑性边界上匹配,本文得出了裂纹线附近塑性区的应力变形场、塑性区的长度及弹塑性边界的单位法向量的全新和精确解答.本文的分析放弃了小范屈服理论的所有近似假定并且不再附加任何其它的近似假定,本文的结果在裂纹线附近是足够精确的.本文的结果表明:对理想弹塑性Ⅲ型准静态扩展裂纹,不存在“定常扩展状态”,且裂纹线附近塑性应变不存在奇异性.本文还对裂纹稳定扩展过程讨论了两种重要情形.Abstract: The near crack line field analysis method has been used to investigate into Mode III quasistatically propagating crack in an elastic-perfectly plastic material. The significance of this paper is that the usual small scale yielding theory has been broken through. By obtaining the general solutions of the stresses and the displacement rate of the near crack line plastic region, and by matching the general solutions with the precise elastic fields(not the usual elastic K-dominant fields)at the elastic-plastic boundary, the precise and new solutions of the stress and deformation fields, the size of the plastic region and the unit normal vector of the elastic-plastic boundary have been obtained near the crack line. The solutions of this paper are sufficiently precise near the crack line region because the roughly qualitative assumptions of the small scale yielding theory have not been used and no other roughly qualitative assumptions have been taken, either. The analysis of this paper shows that the assumingly "steady-state case" for stable crack growth, which has been discussed attentively in previous works, do not exist, and the plastic strains near the crack line do not have singularities, Two most important cases for stable crack growth have been discussed.
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