Fixed Points of Nonexpansive Mappings on Star-Shaped Subsets of a Convex Metric Space
摘要: 在本文中.我们给出包含一个集合的某种星形集的刻划及其性质.然后利用这些刻划和性质讨论凸距离空间的星形子集上非扩张型映射的不动点的存在问题,推广了丁协平、Beg和Azam的某些最近结果.最后还给出一个例子说明以上推广是本质上的推广.Abstract: In this paper,we give some characteristic properties of star-shaped sets which include a subset of a convex metric space.Using the characteristic properties,we discuss the ezistence problems of fized points of nonezpansive type mappings on star-shaped subsets of convex metric spaces, which generalize the recent results obtained by Ding Xie-ping, Beg and Azam. Finally, we give an ezample which shows that our generalizations are essential.
Key words:
- star-shaped set /
- star centre /
- nor mal structure of a star-shaped set
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