The Relation of the Threshold Velocity of Coal Dust to Its Size and Humidity
摘要: 在煤码头和车站的煤堆积场上,煤粉的扬起是污染环境的主要原因之一.作者根据力学的基本原理,考虑颗粒和液滴重力、煤粉颗粒尺寸和湿度的影响,利用煤粉颗粒起动时的力平衡条件,推导出在风的作用下,具有一定湿度的煤粉颗粒开始扬起的起动风速的理论表达式.最后.根据煤粉起动速度与煤粉颗粒粒径及湿度的关系,将理论公式和风洞实验结果进行了比较,理论和实验结果符合得相当好.Abstract: On the ground of wharf and a station where coal is piled up, the sources polluting the atmosphere are mainly the raised coal dust. According to the principle of mechanics, with the consideration of the gravities of coal dust particles and liquid droplets, coal dust size and humidity, under the condition of force balance when the coal dust was raised, the authors obtaineda theoretical formula for the threshold velocity of coal dust with humidity.Finally, the theoretical values from the formula gave a good agreement with the experimental data from some wind tunnels.
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