Fan Ky极大极小不等式的进一步推广及对变分不等式的应用
Some Further Generalizations of Ky Fan’s Minimax Inequality and Its Applications to Variational Inequalities
摘要: 本文引出广义KKM映象的概念,其包含著名的KKM映象为特例.借助于这一映象,我们给出著名的KKM定理和Fan Ky极大极小不等式以一种新的推广形式.作为应用,我们考虑了变分不等式解的存在性问题.本文结果是引文[1~6]中相应结果的改进和发展.Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of generalized KKM mapping and to obtain some general version of the famous KKM theorem and Ky Fan's minimax inequality.As applications, we utilize the results presented in this paper to study the saddle point problem and the existence problem of solutions for a class of quasi-variational inequalities.The results obtained in this paper extend and improve some recent results of [1-6].
Key words:
- generalized KKM mapping /
- upper-semicontinuous /
- γ /
- -diagonally quasi-convex
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