Problems of Collinear Cracks between Bonded Dissimilar Materials under Antiplane Concentrated Forces
摘要: 本文研究在反平面集中力作用下,不同弹性材料界面上的共线裂纹问题.运用复变函数的解析延拓方法并结合对奇性主部的分析,获得了一般解;求出了几种典型情况的封闭解;算出了应力强度因子.本文解答的若干特殊情形,与前人成果吻合.通过比较,我们发现,在局部对称加载下,本文结果与同种材料的相应解答完全相同.Abstract: In this paper problems of collinear cracks between bonded dissimilar materials under antiplane concentrated forces are dealt with. General solutions of the problems are formulated by applying extended Schwarz principle integrated with the analysis of the singularity of complex stress functions. Closed-form solutions of several typical problems are obtained and the stress intensity factors are given. These solutions include a series of original results and some results of previous researches. It is found that under symmetrical loads the solutions for the dissimilar materials are the same as those for the homogeneous materia[7].
Key words:
- anti-plane shear /
- solid-solid interface /
- crack /
- complex functions /
- singular solution /
- stress intensity factor
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