Why We Have Not Yet Found a Retrograde Planet in the Solar System
摘要: 本文用圆型限制三体问题的Jacobi积分来建立一个测检函数,用于确定测试质点作类行星运动时能否长留于一个确定的区域(可称为稳定域).经用电子计算机检定,对于质点作准圆形轨道的情况下,质点作类逆行行星运动的稳定域远小于质点作类顺行行星运动的稳定域.这说明了逆行行星存在的可能性很小.Abstract: In this paper we use the Jacobian integral of the circular restricted three-body problem to establish a testing function of a moving testing particle when it moves like a planet. This function determines whether or not the particle will stay in a definite region(which may be called "stable region", SR). By means of checking with an electronic computer, we can find that the SR of quasicircular orbit of retrograde planet motion is much less than the SR of direct planet motion. It is the reason why the existence of a retrograde planet is very rare.
[1] Meirovitch,Leonard,Methods of Analytical Dynamics(1970),420-428. [2] Hagihara,Yusuke,Celestial Mechanics,Vol.IV,Part 1(1975),1-33. [3] Ehricke,Krafft A.,Space Flight,Vol.1(1960)113-128. -
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