Some Problems in Boundary Element Programming of Axisymmetric Elasticity
摘要: 弹性力学的空间轴对称问题可以化为两个变量(r,z)的二维问题求解,但又比平面问题略复杂些.在轴对称问题边界元的程序处理上也会相应带来些麻烦.文章具体介绍了作者在调试轴对称问题边界元程序中遇到的一些问题及处理方法,并给出数值结果加以验证.Abstract: Axisyminetric problems in elasticity can be reduced to two dimensional ones, but they are a little more complicated than plane problems. Therefore, some special problems will be encountered in the boundary element programming of axisymmctric elasticity. In this paper, the methods to treat these problems and some remarks are given according to our experience in programming. Numerical examples are presented for the checking of these treatments.
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