An Exact Analytic Method Applied to Nonhomogeneous Ring-and Stringer Stiffened Cylindrical Shells
摘要: 本文首次利用精确解析法分析了环向和纵向加肋非均匀圆柱壳在任意载荷和边界条件下非线性轴对称变形问题.导出了一致收敛于精确解的位移和内力解析表达式,文中给出收敛性问题.问题最后归结为求解二元一次代数方程组,计算既简便又迅速.文末给出四个数值算例表明,本文提出的方法,可以得到满意的结果.Abstract: In this paper, the nonlinear axial symmetric deformation problem of nonhomogeneous ring-and stringer-stiffened shells is first solved by the exact analytic method.An analytic expression of displacements and stress resultants is obtained and its convergence is proved.Displacements and stress resultants converge to exact solution uniformly.Finally, it is only necessary to solve a system of linear algebraic equations with two unknowns.Four numerical examples are given at the end of the paper which indicate that satisfactory results can be obtained by the exact analytic method.
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