The General Solution on Nonliear Deformation of Axial-Symmetrical Nonuniform and Variable Thickness Cylinderical Shells
摘要: 本文利用阶梯折算法[1],得到了非均匀圆柱壳非线性轴对称变形的一般解.文中导出了在任意轴对称载荷下求解非均匀圆柱壳非线性弯曲的位移和内力的一般公式,并给出一致收敛于精确解的证明.问题最后归结为求解二元一次代数方程组,文末给出算例.算例表明,无论内力和位移都可得到满意的结果,并收敛于精确解.Abstract: The aonuniform cylindrical shells are widely used as structural configuration in engineeriag, In this paper, the general solution on nonlinear deformation of axial-symmetrical nonuniform and variable thickness cylindrical shells is obtained by step reduction method[1].The displasement and stress resultants of shells can be expressed is analytic form is arbitrary axial-symmetrical load and boundary conditions, Its convergence is proved, Finally, it is only necessary to solve one set of binary linear algebraic equation, A numerical example is given at the end of the paper which indicates satisfactory results of stress resultants, moments and displacement can be obtained by step reduction method.
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