Sensitivity Analysis of Truss Structures and Its Application to the Fully Stressed Design
摘要: 就桁架结构而言,本文在结构变化定理的基础上提出了计算杆内力、杆应力和节点位移关于杆面积偏导数(梯度)的一组公式.与已有的计算结构响应的梯度公式比较,在一般情形下,用本文公式进行计算所需的附加载荷个数最少,因而计算量也小.这对于广泛使用响应梯度的许多优化方法有减少机时的实用价值.另外,我们还将导出的梯度公式用于满应力设计,得到一个改进的满应力迭代公式.算例表明与简单应力比法相比,改进的方法大大地减少了收敛于满应力设计所需的结构重分析次数.Abstract: Based upon the theorems of structural variations this paper derives a set of expressions for calculating partial derivatives of internal forces, stresses and joint displacements with respect to bar areas for truss structures. Compared with the known formulas for finding the gradients of structural behaviours the calculation effort with the proposed expressions in this paper is usually smaller because the additional virtual loadings needed are relatively fewer. It is of practical significance to various optimization methods in which the calculation of gradients of behaviours is widely used. Moreover, applying the derived formulas to the fully stressed design (FSD), we obtain an improved iterative method for FSD. The numerical examples show that the new method considerably reduces the reanalysis number required to converge to an FSD in comparison with the simple stress ratio method.
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