Elastic-Plastic Fields near Crack Tip Growing Step-by-Step in a Perfectly Plastic Solid
摘要: 本文从三维的塑性流动理论出发,导出了关于理想塑性固体平面应变问题的基本方程。利用这些方程,分析了不可压缩理想塑性固体的逐步扩展裂纹顶端的弹塑性场。得到了关于应力和速度的一阶渐近场。分析了弹性卸载区的演变过程和中心扇形区的发展过程。预示了出现二次塑性区的可能性。最后给出了关于应力场二阶渐近分析。Abstract: In this paper, based on the three-dimensional flow theory of plasticity, the fundametal equations for plane strain problem ofelastic-perfectly plastic solids are presented. By using these equations the elastic-plastic fields near the crack tip growing step-by-step in an elastic incompressible-perfectly plastic solid are analysed.The first order asymptotic solutions for the stress field and velocity fields near the crack tip are obtained. The solutions show the evolution process of elastic unloading domain and the development process of central fan domain and reveal the possibility of the presence of the secondary plastic domain. The second order asymptotic solution for stress field is also presented.
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