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林敦祥 倪荣根

林敦祥, 倪荣根. 预测纤维增强复合材料层压板固有频率振型及模态阻尼的有限元算法[J]. 应用数学和力学, 1986, 7(2): 181-196.
引用本文: 林敦祥, 倪荣根. 预测纤维增强复合材料层压板固有频率振型及模态阻尼的有限元算法[J]. 应用数学和力学, 1986, 7(2): 181-196.
Lin Dun-xiang, Ni Rong-gen. The Finite Element Technique for Predicting the Natural Frequencies, Mode Shapes and Damping Values of Filamentary Composite Plates[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1986, 7(2): 181-196.
Citation: Lin Dun-xiang, Ni Rong-gen. The Finite Element Technique for Predicting the Natural Frequencies, Mode Shapes and Damping Values of Filamentary Composite Plates[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1986, 7(2): 181-196.


The Finite Element Technique for Predicting the Natural Frequencies, Mode Shapes and Damping Values of Filamentary Composite Plates

  • 摘要: 本文提供了预测纤维增强复合材料层压板固有频率、振型及模态阻尼的理论计算方法,此方法是综合了有限元法和阻尼单元模型,并考虑了横向剪应变和转动惯量的影响,本文给出了对称铺层石墨纤维及玻璃纤维复合材料层压板的理论计算结果,并给出实验数据进行对比.本文还提出一种预测复合材料层压板固有频率和阻尼的简易方法.
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  • 收稿日期:  1983-05-27
  • 刊出日期:  1986-02-15


