The Method of Continuous Distribution of Singularities to Treat the Stokes Flow of the Arbitrary Oblate Axisymmetrical Body
摘要: 本文以Sampson球形无穷级数作为基本奇点,采用分段等强度和分段二次抛物分布两种体内连续分布法解任意形状扁轴对称体的Stokes流动.通过扁球的无界绕流问题,对这两种方法的收敛性,精度和适用范围做了检验和比较.结果表明,在一定的范围内,无论是阻力系数或压力分布,它们的计算结果都和精确解符合得很好,而且,随着分布函数逼近程度的提高,其收敛性得到改善,适用范围也随之扩大.作为一般算例,分别用这两种方法解决了卡西尼扁卵形体的绕流问题,得到了一致的结果.最后,用分段二次连续分布法计算了具有一定生理意义的红细胞体的Stokes流动,首次得到了它的阻力系数和表面压力分布.Abstract: This paper deals with the Stokes flow of the arbitrary oblate axisymmetrical body by means of constant density and quadratic distribution function approximation for the method of continuous distribution of singularities. The Sampson spherical infinite series arc chosen as fundamental singularities. The convergence, accuracy and range of application of both two approximations are examined by the unbounded Stokes flow past the oblate spheroid. It is demonstrated that the drag factor and pressure distribution both conform with the exact solution very well. Besides, the properties, accuracy and the range of application are getting belter with the improving of the approximation of the distribution function. As an example of the arbitrary oblate axisymmetrical bodies, the Stokes flow of the oblate Cassini oval are calculated by these two methods and the results are convergent and consistent. Finally, with the quadratic distribution approximation the red blood cell, which has physiologic meaning, is considered and for the first time the(orresponding drag factor and pressure distribution on the surface of the cell are obtained.
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